The Next Top Spiritual Author – G. Peter Madstone – Dreams of the Magus

The Next Top Spiritual Author

Dreams of the Magus By:

G. Peter Madstone

I’ve just been informed of my good friend Pete Madstone has been accepted in The Next Top Spiritual Author for his self-published book Dreams of the Magus, which you can review and buy at by clicking HERE.

But the way he can become top author is by voting and that’s why I’m posting this blog post. So my job is to convince you to vote, but being if you have not read his book I will do what I can right now, to prove this author has what it takes to continue on to be Top Spiritual Author.  From Pete’s kindness I was sent for free his wifes book Voice of the Pyramids & his book Dreams of the Magus. I was very excited to read them both, my grandmother quickly decided to read Voice of the Pyramids so I took Dreams of the Magus and over the months I’ve been reading Pete’s book.

So with that said I’d like to do a review of what I think of his book Dreams of the Magus and from there you can vote for him and his book in the up coming vote which is on May 3rd.

Dreams of the Magus Reviewed:

Pete Madstone has taken concepts and idea’s that have been tossed around since the beginning of recorded history. But the reality of these idea’s and the reasons we act the way we do sometimes is pushed under the rug, with that we are confronted with a shadow self of our being that we continue to push away until we’re numb to the fact that these sides of ourselves truly still exist. So we continue to attract the things we dislike and situations which feel as we have no hope. In the idea of Pete Madstone we’ve created an invisible prison cell.

With a gentle push Pete Madstone will guide you through the levels of being you have forgotten about, the idea’s and the dreams that you had that you’ve pushed away will being to rush back as you consider his words as something more then just spiritual ideologies but certain facts that point in the direction of your true higher self.  By unveiling idea’s of religion and set thinking we’ve allowed ourselves to stagnant in, just reading these idea’s will push the envelope and develop a new understanding for Spirituality and your internal growth.

Being only 5% of the United States population reads three books a year and 90% of those people being women and near half of them being romance novels – with this you can quickly see why it is so absolutely important to discover these idea’s, we’ve grown out of touch with who we really are! The great news is you can slowly emerge yourself into these new observations of yourself.  There is much importance of reviewing his work and again questioning the reality that you think you live in. With this book may your life path grow ever more bright, because for the sheer questioning aspect of these words you will quickly start to create a new you and from there your goals in life will become ever so closer as you will walk lighter while discovering more of yourself.

So begin to observe who you really are again by reading Dreams of the Magus – in that a new perception awaits.

You can view more of G. Peter Madstones work by visiting his blog at

Vote for Dreams of Magus

Please visit  and register to vote for G. Peter Madstone’s Dreams of the Magus, also there’s an inclusive briefing of Dreams of the Magus by author Pete Madstone himself by clicking the vote link below!


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